What impact will foreclosures have on prices? Which loan products are available? How do you convince a buyer to make an offer when everyone is telling them that they should see another 100 houses or wait until the price softens more? These are tough questions for a trained, experienced professional. With today’s challenging housing market, it’s more important than ever to use a real estate professional.
- Pricing is Difficult. Setting the right price for your property is key to getting it sold. Overpricing your property will cost you time, and in today’s market where prices are continuing to soften, time costs you money. A professional sales consultant will help you set the right price considering the market and increasing inventory.
- Negotiating Ability is Crucial. Buyers today have an almost unlimited supply of homes from which to choose. Most buyers are now being represented by an agent to help them negotiate the best deal. Sellers need to also be represented by a professional trained to negotiate real estate contracts.
- Mortgaging is Key to the Deal. Lending standards are much stricter today than they were a few short years ago. Rules are constantly changing. You need a real estate expert who has teamed up with a knowledgeable mortgage professional to make sure that the buyer in the deal is in fact capable of obtaining a mortgage. Losing time with an unqualified buyer costs you money in a market where prices are falling.
- Your Family’s Safety. Keep your family safe by having a professional work with strangers coming to your home.
- You Probably Have More Important Things to Do. Selling a home requires a lot of time and knowledge. Learning the necessary disclosures, qualifying buyers, coordinating the dates of your closings and re-negotiating the offer after an inspection are just a few of the concerns you may face. A professional sales consultant understands real estate and can take you to closing without the hassles.
- Exposure to Potential Purchasers. When sellers think of getting exposure for their home, they immediately think of print advertising. Certain print media might still have a place in marketing a niche property (luxury, equestrian, waterfront, etc.). However, traditional classified print advertising has lost its impact.
Recent studies have shown that less than 3% of buyers find their home through newspaper advertising today.
A professional sales consultant lists your home through Multiple Listing Systems (MLS), sharing it with thousands of real estate professionals. It is also shared on the company internal and external websites and with numerous other participating sites.
[Shorewest Quarterly Newsletter]
Tags: Home Buyers, Housing Market, Mortgage, Pricing, Real Estate, Sales Consultant, Sellers
Categories: Home Selling, Real Estate News
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